A hearty yet simple Italian peasant-style casserole, known as Verzada, which originated from the Lombard region of Italy
Comforting and absolutely delicious, it can be loaded up with spicy or mild sausage for lots of flavorful protein. AND It is low carb!

3-4 small white cabbages
3.5 ounces pancetta
1 onion
2 tablespoon butter
2½ tablespoon white-wine vinegar
salt & black pepper to taste
8 sausages
Cut away the outer leaves of the cabbage.
Shred the rest coarsely, wash and drain. Slice the belly pork into bits about the width of a pencil.
Slice the onion. Heat the butter in a large saucepan.
Add the pancetta and fry until the fat begins to run. Add the onion and fry until soft but not brown.
Add the cabbage, stir to coat in the pork fat, and cook over a moderate heat until it begins to brown.
Sprinkle with the vinegar and season with salt and pepper.
Arrange the sausages sliced on top, cover and simmer over a gentle heat for 40 minutes to an hour.
Serve at once.